We believe that happy pupils are good learners. We carry out regular "Happiness surveys" to check how happy our pupils are feeling. Staff are keen to respond to the results of these quick, informative surveys. As a result, some small problems have been addressed and where necessary, additional support has been provided.
We have two Family Resource Workers, who work with children who may be needing a little extra support. In addition, we have Pupil Premium Advocates who are available to give further support where necessary.
Children are constantly reminded of who their trusted adults are always encouraged to speak to adults if they have any worries. However, if for any reason, children are unable to to do this they are reminded to write their concern in the worry box in the library and a member of staff will respond quickly to their concern.
Wellbeing Groups
In addition to our nurturing and caring approach for all pupils, we acknowledge that sometimes some children may need some additional support at certain times. For this reason, we offer additional wellbeing groups that support children with their wellbeing.
Some of the wellbeing groups on offer at school are:
* Forest School Nurture
* Talk About
* Zones of Regulation Group
Classrooms have a Zones of Regulation area where children can indicate to school staff how they are feeling e.g. they can put their names on to a different colour to indicate that they are feeling sad, worried or cross and a member of staff will respond to this and talk to the children.