If you are a child at home and are worried about something but don't have a trusted adult at home who you can talk to, remember the Childline number 0800 1111

Buxton Junior School

The Attachment and Relationship Aware Programme at BJS

We are proud to be an Attachment and Relationship Aware School, (ARAS) achieving this award in July 2022. 

The intensive programme, attended by Mrs Carter and Mrs Hewison over 12 months, reinforced the school's approach of relationships being central to our success - between staff, between children, between staff and children and between us and our families. 

ARAS brought a significant amount of learning into school with all staff being trained in emotion coaching and scripts, culminating with the development of a new Positive Relationship Policy. 

The Action Research Project focussed on working closely with some Y5 children to create a natural space inside for those who may need support to co-regulate if they are finding some parts of the day challenging.  
