
Buxton Junior School

Attendance & Term-Time Absence

Attendance Matters

Remember, good attendance is crucial to achieving successful outcomes at school. Your child has a right to an education and to come to school every day.


​Sometimes children are too ill to come to school. Please contact school on the first morning of absence and let us know why your child is off school. Please continue to keep us informed each day if your child is still absent. If we do not hear from you, we will try and make contact with you. If  we have not received a message as to why your child is absent we will record it as an unauthorised absence.

Medical appointments

Please, wherever possible make medical appointments after school or in school holidays. If you have to take your child for a medical appointment during school time we will need to see proof of this appointment.

Holidays in term time
Holidays in term time will not be authorised unless the circumstances are exceptional. In the majority of cases school will make a referral to the local Authority and they will issue a penalty fine. If these fines are not paid, this could result in court action.
Help if you need it

 If at any time you have any difficulty getting your child to school please speak to us. Phone or call into school and ask for either Mrs Williams or Ms Travers-Muir, our Family Resource Workers.

When should my child return to school after an illness?
