If you are a child at home and are worried about something but don't have a trusted adult at home who you can talk to, remember the Childline number 0800 1111

Buxton Junior School


Are you worried about a child? Don't wait until you are certain. If you are worried about a child or need advice, contact the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) Mrs Carter, Mrs Hewison, Mrs Dowling or Mrs Sassanelli at school in confidence. 

School: 01298 22156

Starting Point / Call Derbyshire: 01629 533190

NSPCC free 24/7 adult helpline on: 0808 800 5000

Email: or text: 88858


During the school holidays, please call Starting Point on 01629 533190. Social care have the contact details of the DSLs so will be in touch with them if an urgent issue requires their involvement. 


Buxton Junior School fully recognises its responsibilities to safeguard children. The action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm is everyone's responsibility. We want our children to feel protected and safe.The Governors and Senior Leadership Team have put in place effective safeguarding and staff behaviour policies and procedures that are understood by everyone at Buxton Junior School.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Mrs Carter, Headteacher- Senior designated safeguarding lead 

Mrs Sassanelli, Family Resource Worker - Deputy designated safeguarding lead (also our Mental Health Lead in school)

Mrs Hewison, Senco - Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Mrs Dowling, Well-being Coordinator and Deputy Headteacher - Deputy designated safeguarding lead.


Kerry Chisnall is our Governor for Safeguarding and all our governors receive regular safeguarding training. 


There are important elements to our practice within school:

  • Ensuring we practise safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children
  • Raising awareness of safeguarding and child protection issues and equipping pupils with the skills they need to keep them safe.
  • Developing and implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of harm.
  • Supporting pupils who have been subject to, or are at risk of, significant harm in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan.
  • Establishing a safe environment in which pupils can learn and develop.
  • Creating a culture of listening to and engaging in dialogue with children, seeking their views in ways appropriate to their age and understanding.
  • Ensuring all staff and volunteers undertake appropriate training to equip them to carry out their responsibilities including responsibilities related to the Prevent Duty and reporting Female Genital Mutilation and Child Sexual Exploitation.


Our school is part of the SDAT (Stopping Domestic Abuse Together) initiative led by Derbyshire Police in conjunction with Social Care, Health Services and other agencies.

SDAT is a system to notify us quickly of any incidents of domestic abuse where the police have attended a household where children live. This enables us to understand changes in a child’s behaviour, attitude or general presentation, and to support children as needed.


Anti-bullying Ambassadors play an important role in supporting their peers at Buxton Junior School. 


Buxton Junior School has achieved the Derbyshire STOP Anti-bullying Award

Parents/carers may wish to visit the following link through the NSPCC website. This is a simple way that parents/carers can help keep children safe from sexual abuse.

