
Buxton Junior School


Computing at Buxton Junior School

In the recent After the reboot: computing education in UK schools (2018), it was stated that in order for children to leave school and “to embark on successful professional careers and to become astute and responsible citizens...children should begin to study computing at the earliest age possible”.

To reflect this, at Buxton Junior School we use the nationally recognised Teach Computing curriculum. The Teach Computing curriculum is structured into units for each year group, and each unit is broken down into lessons.  The units studied in each year group are computing systems and networks, creating media (animation and sound), data and information and finally programming, where children use a variety of software packages. These units have been organised to allow for clear progression through Key Stage 2 (and beyond) with prior knowledge being built on each year.

In addition to a weekly computing session, children are taught the online safety aspects of the PHSEE curriculum using a programme called Project Evolve.  This has been developed in response to the Education for a Connected World paper (2018) and is a framework to equip children and young people for digital life.

It covers content including self-image and identity, online relationships and bullying, online privacy and security and health, wellbeing and lifestyle.

When using computing equipment in school, children follow an IT agreement which helps them stay safe online both at school and at home. 
