
Buxton Junior School

Linda Grooby - Profile

Linda Grooby- Co-opted Governor


I have been appointed as a governor at Buxton Junior School since January 2017.

I have lived and worked in Buxton all my life, and brought up my family here. I now have a grandchild who attends school in Buxton.

I am a Borough Councillor for the ward in which the school sits and a County Councillor and believe that this role allows me the opportunity to support residents (including children) in this part of Buxton.

I welcome the opportunity to help shape the lives of our future generation and feel that the role as school governor allows me to do this, and also forges the links between my work and the community.

I enjoy being part of the future of the school and offering support on a day-to-day basis as well as being involved in projects which will enrich the lives of teachers and pupils.

I also offer support with fundraising events and other activities within the school. This is an area I am involved with in other community groups, including Harpur Hill Residents Association.
