Buxton Junior School
Committee Structure Academic Year 2024 - 2025
At the meeting on 30th September 2024 the committees were revised and agreed as follows:
Resources and Development Committee: J Beswick (Chair) C Walker, M Dowling, R Brown.
It was decided that rather than have a separate Curriculum Committee, curriculum discussion would be an agenda item within full Governing Body meetings and the information below is still applicable in regard to our ethos and aims.
Our aim as a Governing Body is to measure in all areas:
Intent: Implementation: Impact
We also ensure the school continues to follow the school values below:
As a school we value ourselves, our environment and the wider community by;
The Chair and Vice Chair will discuss any personnel; performance, training and development aspects of the school with the Headteacher and feedback to at Full Governing Body meetings.
The Resource and Development Committee have responsibility for the oversight of the school budget, investments, property development plans and pupil premium/sports funding expenditure.
Terms of Reference
The committee:
Name | Governor)Type | StartDate | TermOf Office | DateSteppedDown | Appointedby: | BusinessInterests | ||||||
Ros Carter | Headteacher | 01/09/18 | NA | School | None | |||||||
AndrewWilliamson | Co-opted | 08/10/22 | 07/10/26 | School | None | |||||||
Ann MarieDowling | Co-opted | 08/08/21 | 07/08/25 | School | None | |||||||
Rebecca Hewison | Staff | 08/10/22 | 08/10/26 | Staff | None | |||||||
Linda Grooby | LA | 17/01/21 | 16/01/25 | School | DCC & HPBC Councillor/Zink Buxton/High Peak Conservative Association/ Buxton Wells Dressing/ High Peak Mayoral Charity/Harpur Hill Village Hall/ Buxton Ramblers | |||||||
Johanna Beswick | Co-opted(Vice-Chair) | 18/11/22 | 17/11/26 | School | None | |||||||
Corryn Walker | Parent(Chair) | 20/01/23 | 19/01/27 | School | None | |||||||
Kerry Chisnall | Co-opted | 27/04/24 | 26/04/28 | School | None | |||||||
Donna Elwis | Parent | 24/01/22 | 23/01/26 | School | None | |||||||
Victoria Whitehouse | Co-opted | 01/09/22 | 31/08/26 | School | None | |||||||
Frances Herridge | Co-opted | 23/01/23 | 22/01/27 | School | None | |||||||
Ruth Brown | Parent | 20/11/23 | 19/11/27 | School | Grinlow Studio |
Date of Meeting | NumberAttended | NumberAbsent |
30/09/2024 | 11 (92%) | 1 (8%) |
18/11/2024 | 10 (83%) | 2 (17%) |
Date of Meeting | NumberAttended | NumberAbsent |
02/10/2023 | 9 (82%) | 2 (18%) |
20/11/2023 | 9 (75%) | 3 (25%) |
22/01/2024 | 11 (92%) | 1 (8%) |
11/03/2024 | 10 (83%) | 2 (17%) |
08/05/2024 | 11 (92%) | 1 (8%) |
08/07/2024 | 10 (83%) | 2 (17%) |
Private School Fund
Our private school fund is kept in school and is independently audited at the end of each academic year. The audit is inspected and presented to the Governing Body every Autumn.