If you are a child at home and are worried about something but don't have a trusted adult at home who you can talk to, remember the Childline number 0800 1111

Buxton Junior School

Wraparound care

Buxton Junior School Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club will:

  • Be on a drop-in basis to allow you to use it daily, regularly or on an infrequent basis.
  • Start at 7.45am and finish at 8.45am. You can arrive at any time in this hour.
  • Cost £3.50 per session.
  • Be staffed by two members of BJS staff.
  • Provide healthy cereals, toast and a glass of juice served until 8.30am.
  • Take place in the dining hall or the main hall and sometimes outside.
  • Have a range of games and activities including table-tennis, board games and drawing.

You can pay on Parent Pay (or by cash) for one-off sessions or for a block of sessions. You will be able to pay in advance or on the day but we will not be able to let your child attend without payment.

Breakfast Club will be free to those children who are in receipt of free school meals.

We will need you to bring your child to the club to sign them in so you will be allowed to drive onto school grounds from 7.45am to 8.30am, park in the parking area and come in though the dining hall door.

Childcare Vouchers

We have signed up to the government tax-free childcare vouchers for our Breakfast Club. 

Please go to to register. For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year. This scheme is for working families, including the self-employed, in the UK who:

  • Are earning under £100k and at least £131 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage) each;

  • Aren't receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers;

  • Have children aged 0-11 (or 0-16 if disabled).


Playdays out of school hours clubs have been operating in Buxton for over fifteen years and are a branch of Green Lane Nursery. Clubs are based at Buxton Infants, Harpur Hill, Burbage and St Anne’s Schools.

Children who attend Buxton Junior School can attend our after school and holiday club based at Buxton Infant school. 

Playdays will collect the children from Buxton Junior School playground at 3.35pm and transport them to Buxton Infant School where they will be provided with a snack and be able to play or take part in a variety of craft activities until parents collect them.

During school holidays they offer a programme of exciting activities and days out that really keep the children entertained including canoeing, kayaking, archery, cinema trips, climbing and bike rides (for junior aged children).

Please see the Playdays Parent Information Pack below for costs and timings and for further details please contact us on (01298) 767 505 (during school hours) or 07870 221 375 during out of school hours.

Alternatively you can email:

The playdays website is:
