Take a virtual tour of our school using the link below.
School Visits
We hope our website gives you a good idea of what our school is about and our high expectations. You may also wish to visit our school and we welcome visits of prospective parents of reception children and Year 2s during or after the school day. Please call school to make an appointment. If you are unable to attend in person, I am always available to speak on the phone (or via email) so please contact the office on 01298 22156 or info@buxton-jun.derbyshire.sch.uk to make a telephone appointment.
Ros Carter, Headteacher.
Applying for a Year 3 place
When you have made a decision on which school you would like your child to attend from Year 3 you can find the online page for applying for a school place in Derbyshire here. You can also apply by telephoning Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190
Transition from Year 2 to Year 3
We work very closely with every school that our Year 2 children come from to ensure we have a full picture of their strengths and what support they may need. Our team meet with the Year 2 colleagues from every school and ensure the children are all involved with the transition visits.
Transition from BIS to BJS
We are very proud of the transition from Buxton Infant School to Buxton Junior School and the feedback we receive from children and parents alike is universally positive.
Reception children make regular visits to the Junior School site to make use of the fabulous grounds in the Infant School's “Woodland Adventures” programme. Year 3 children visit reception classes in the Spring term and the reception children visit the Year 3 classes in the summer.
These links continue as the children move up into Year 1 and visit their linked classes who are then in Year 4 and on into Year 2 when their “buddies” become Year 5s.
In the summer term as the Year 2 children get ready to make the move to up to us here at BJS, the number of opportunities to visit our school increases and the Year 2 children are also taught at the Infant School by the teachers they will be having in September.
Both schools have designed broad, balanced and creative curricula which inspire children to develop a love of learning. The curricula are also designed to ensure that the children are very well prepared for the next step on their educational journey. The Buxton Infant School curriculum dovetails into the Year 3 curriculum here at Buxton Junior School, ensuring that no time is wasted through repetition and progress is maintained.
Our family resource worker, Mrs Sassanelli works over both schools so provides support for families over both settings. Mrs Hewison, our SENCO, works alongside Mrs Bates from Buxton Infant School to ensure a smooth transition for our children with SEND and for those children for whom school presents an extra challenge.