If you are worried about keeping safe, remember that you can always talk to an adult in school and they will find a way to help you.
There are also pupils who are anti-bullying and anti-stigma ambassadors who you can talk to. They usually wear blue sweatshirts with a big letter A on them and there is a photo of them in the library.
There is a "Worry Box" in the library which you can also use. Your teacher will also be giving you a little "Happiness" survey each half term to complete.
Anti-Bullying at BJS
We learn all about being kind to each other and what to do if you feel you might be being bullied or if you think someone else might be being bullied. We celebrate ant-bullying week every year with 'Odd Sock Day: Everyone is Different' and do lots of work in class about being kind. Here are some of the leaflets that one of the class produced.