If you are a child at home and are worried about something but don't have a trusted adult at home who you can talk to, remember the Childline number 0800 1111

Buxton Junior School

School Meals

DCC school lunch menus are usually issued twice yearly.

(Please click the link below for the current menu)

Children may choose to have school lunches or to bring lunch from home and we also offer ‘flexi-dining’ where children can do a mix of both.  As well as the main choice, a vegetarian option, jacket potatoes and sandwiches are also available.  Any special dietary requirements can be catered for (a medical form will need to be completed if required).

If your child brings a packed lunch from home we must insist that no nuts/nut products are included, as we have children in school with allergies. The class teacher will ask children at morning registration whether they will be having a school lunch each day and to choose what lunch they would like.

School meals for children are priced at £3.25 per day / £16.25 per week.  You can also pay termly if you wish.  Where possible we ask that payment is made through our secure online ParentPay system (unique log in details will be provided to parents).  Alternatively, you may pay by cash or cheque made payable to DCC.  Please ensure any monies are sent in an envelope marked clearly with your child’s name, class, amount enclosed and what it is for.

In line with our dinner money policy, we do ask that parents keep their pupil account up to date so please check your account regularly to ensure you are in credit.


If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, you can apply online through:

or you can contact the Free School Meals Service on 01629 536400.  You will be asked to provide your name, date of birth and National Insurance number.
