RSE statement at Buxton Junior School
Every year, we share our RSE policy with all parents and invite them to offer feedback and to ask questions. This feedback is taken into account when our governors update the Anti-Bullying Policy. We also share an outline of the topics taught in our PSHE lessons as well as a summary of the RSE taught in year 5 and year 6 and the methods of delivery. In addition to this, all parents are sent a questionnaire in which they can give their views on how RSE is taught at Buxton Junior School and an opportunity to ask questions. Questions are always followed up on and the comments are taken on board and put into practice.
Thank you to all parents who take the time to read the documents and to fill in the questionnaire which enables us to truly work in partnership.
Parents are always offered the opportunity to come into school and meet with Mrs Dowling and to look at the resources that we use when teaching children about relationships and sex education.
If you would like to read our 'Relationships and Sex Education Policy (RSE) or our PSHE Policy, please see Home>Key information>Policies.