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Buxton Junior School

Relationship and Sex Education at BJS

RSE statement at Buxton Junior School

In the summer term of 2021, we shared our draft RSE policy with all parents and invited them to offer feedback and to ask questions.  We also shared an outline of the topics taught in our PSHE lessons as well as a summary of the RSE taught in year 5 and year 6 and the methods of delivery.  In addition to this, all parents were sent a questionnaire in which they could give their views on how RSE is taught at Buxton Junior School and an opportunity to ask questions.  Questions were followed up on and the comments have been taken on board and will be put into practice.

Thank you to all parents who took the time to read the documents and to fill in the questionnaire which has enabled us to truly work in partnership.

In the summer term of 2022, we shared our RSE policy with all parents. In addition, we gave parents an outline of the topics taught in PSHE lessons as well as a summary of the RSE content taught in years 5 and 6 and the methods of delivery.

Parents were then invited to come into school to view our resources as well as having the opportunity to speak to our RSE lead and have the opportunity to ask questions.
