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Buxton Junior School

Oracy at BJS

Oracy; the ability to use the oral skills of speaking and listening.


As a school, we believe that spoken language is key to much of every child's success and should play a fundamentally important part in our curriculum. So, we are on a journey to placing oracy at the heart of our curriculum. 

We are doing this by providing many authentic opportunities for children to use their spoken language in school such as debates, class presentations, drama and class-led assemblies. We also are embedding oracy skills within our core subjects, ensuring stem sentences in maths and subject-specific vocabulary are focused upon. 

Our teachers use the Oracy Skills Framework from Voice 21 to allow them to drill down into spoken language skills in order to provide the children with clear feedback and next steps so they know how to improve. 

Our ambition is that every child at Buxton Junior School becomes a confident public speaker and debater with the skills to share their valuable voice with a variety of audiences. We continue to explore more and better ways to ensure our children have many opportunities to use their oracy skills as we believe this is crucial to their success.
